Taking A Second to Reconnect
Think about how you feel when you haven’t been treating your body like you know you should. For instance…if you haven’t been eating right, exercising, or getting enough rest - you feel sluggish or drained…..maybe even stressed, right? That’s how I’ve been feeling lately. However, it has nothing to do with my body but everything to do with my energy.
For the past five years it feels like I’ve been driving my car nonstop, at a high speed with my hands swaying wildly in the air. Since 2013, I’ve been taking pictures each week, faithfully. Since 2016, I’ve been writing every week (multiple times a week) for different publications. I’ve been running from event to event, jumping through hoops to make hustles happen, and saying yes to everyone more than I’ve been saying it to myself. My fuel meter keeps blinking, indicating that it’s time to parallel park this thing and chill - or risk running out of gas. So before my energy completely plummets, I’m going to make sure I take a minute to breathe and fill my cup back up.
In order to keep my style and energy ever-blooming, I must take a step back so that I can reconnect with myself. I’m going to take these next two weeks to sit in silence, be vigilant, do some deep breathing, reflect, laugh, be lazy, read, write, meditate, plan, create, enjoy loved ones, and simplify some things in my world.
“As an artist, your physical self is as much part of your business as the actual art. Treat yourself as such. ”
Carving out time to center yourself and simplify your surroundings helps you to reconnect with your purpose and quiet your mind so that you can clearly hear from the Divine. If we keep going and going and going without taking moments to come back to the middle (our core/center), we tend to lose sight of our why and miss vital, spiritual signs that are placed all throughout our individual worlds in order to aid us on our journey.
If you’ve been all over the place this year or for the last few years, I advise you to take a moment to just do you as well. When you treat yourself right, the world benefits.
Have the most wonderful Holiday EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace and Love!
- Samjah Iman
Outfit Details: Ruffle Sleeve Top (Forever 21 in-store) // Skirt (old) // Floral Booties // Chanel Brooch