Trimming the Fat
Over the past few months I've lost a few of my blog subscribers. Each time I got an email that read "sorry, you've lost a subscriber" I questioned my platform. I would ask myself, "are they not feeling my fashion, my words, my delivery?" It was aggravating and discouraging at times. When I would get the "infamous email" I would actually talk back to the computer screen saying stuff like, "whatevvvvvveeeeeerrrrr" and "forget you too!" To say I was tripping is an understatement for sure.
A couple of days ago a friend called to tell me how he enjoyed my last post, Peace Over Money + Spring Colors. During our conversation he said, "your writing is definitely improving. It's concise, to the're trimming the fat." BOOM! He hit the head on the nail! I thanked him for his compliments, but what I was really thinking about was the phrase "trimming the fat." It stuck with me. I thought about the subscribers I've lost in the past and the ones that will possibly fall off in the future. I got encouraged. I told myself that I am actually trimming the fat and getting rid of unnecessary weight. I understand that everybody will not be moved by what I am doing and that's fine. I'm focused on operating in an authentic realm in all aspects of my life, and I want to only associate myself with a community of people who are truly open to my style and what I have to say.
Now when I receive the "sorry, you've lost a subscriber" email, I shrug it off. Quality will always exceed quantity in my book. And it's way more fulfilling to vibe with a few people I genuinely connect with instead of a thousand who could care less.
“I’d rather ten lions than a hundred sheep.”
Getting skinny - figuratively and appreciatively,
- Samjah Iman
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