Experiences over Things
Lately I've been indulging in experiences rather than material things. I want to concentrate more on experiencing things that are good for my soul and spirit. Material possessions come and go. Experiences stay in the heart forever.
These days I want to ride my bike more. Pick fresh flowers for my place weekly. Take up new hobbies that exercise my mind. Read good books on my porch. Try exotic restaurants. Watch people who are enjoying life. Go to more concerts. I want to be more present, and I'm working towards that each and everyday.
A lot of people equate money/status with success and happiness. I used to be one of those people. However, I quickly realized that I can't account for all the money I have made in the past. But what I can tell you about is the time my mother and I laughed uncontrollably in the bed one night or about a good conversation my father and I had while riding in his pickup truck - or about how my friend and I sat for hours on the beach in silence just listening to the water - or about how a certain song I hear makes me feel - or about some delectable fish tacos I tasted in this swanky, quaint little spot one weekend.
Yes we do need money to make sure some of our needs are met, but life shouldn't be just about making money. It should be about making experiences. That is what will last.
“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They make the best of everything they have. ”
Create some memorable experiences this week, no matter how big or small. It will be good for your soul.
- Samjah Iman
Jumper available, here.
Photography by www.kwesi.co