In My Element
I'm at a place right now in my life where I am moving towards being who I am truly meant to be, and it feels wonderful. There's nothing like living in your element and not giving a damn about what anyone or society thinks. I have struggled with (and still do sometimes) pleasing people and doing what's expected of me versus what I want to do. I'm getting over that phase in my life because it brings nothing but stress. I will be the Sam I want to be, and if it doesn't fit a certain person's or society's standards then so be it. My new way of living has me feeling so liberated, loved, and empowered - so I wrote it on my dress. Check it out below.
When you are living in your element/truth - everything seems to line up. You will attract the people and opportunities that are supposed to be in your life. You'll be healthier and happier. You'll feel at home in your soul.
So about this friend April and I were on the phone one evening discussing clothes that we could make ourselves. I mentioned a dress I saw that had paint on it and cost about $250. I wasn't paying that for the dress so I decided to make my own. April encouraged my creative thoughts as she usually does so I went to Michael's, purchased acrylic paint and boom - my little dress was created.
I hope you all have an amazing week. I also hope you all find your element/truth and live in it.
“COURAGE is being yourself everyday in a world that tells you to be someone else. ”