One Reason Why You aren't Elevating
You haven't transformed your mind. Simple as that. YOU ARE NOT ELEVATING BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T TRANSFORMED YOUR MIND. I could drop the mic and end this post right here, but I dig y'all too much for that. So I'm going to elaborate a little.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”
At one point in my life, negative thoughts began to take up space in my head. Once I noticed this, I began reading different books that preached about how powerful the mind is and how your thoughts can control your existence. As I researched this topic more I found that what these scholars were saying about how positive thinking can transform your life, aligned with what the bible teaches on thinking.
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
I began to apply the techniques I was learning about positive thinking to my life, and it made me view the world different. I wasn't as stressed any more and every situation worked out in my favor because I always found the blessing in it, not the negative. I started believing I could achieve certain things and acting as if I could achieve them, and I actually started to achieve them! It's crazy how something as simple as your thoughts can hold you back. Your attitude definitely determines your altitude.
Not only is thinking negative detrimental to your well-being, holding on to grudges or having a strong hate for something or someone also affects your energy and in most cases your health as well. Be careful about wishing bad thoughts on others, these thoughts can easily affect your life instead of theirs. Remember, forgiveness is not for the person who wronged you, forgiveness is for you so that you won't have that burden weighing YOU down.
It's all about keeping a healthy spirit and sound mind. It's also about believing that you are destined for greatness and acting on those beliefs. It's not easy blocking negative things out of your mental space, it takes daily practice (this I know for sure). Below are four small things you can do to make sure you keep your mind and spirit in a positive realm.
1. As soon as you find yourself thinking negative or having hateful thoughts, quickly replace those thoughts with something positive.
2. Surround yourself with positive people and put yourself in places that give off positive vibes.
3. Make a gratitude list and add to it each day or when you're feeling low. You can write something as big as "I'm grateful for my health," or something as small as "I'm grateful that I ate red beans and rice today." Gratitude lists remind you of how blessed you are and keeps you looking forward to more blessings.
4. Whenever something challenging occurs, look for the lesson and the blessing in that challenge instead of concentrating on the challenge itself.
Your mind is a tool that can liberate you or limit you if you let it. Thoughts really do become things. What you have going on in your heart and mind will show on the outside so keep your thoughts cute and positive. Think love and spread love and watch it come back to you tenfold.
May positive thoughts and vibes be with you all!
- Samjah Iman