Prepare for the Fight
In continuing my message I posted on Monday, I thought I'd share some insight that I received from Bishop TD Jakes about two or three weeks ago. During one of his sermons I caught on YouTube, Jakes preached that life is a fight, and God is our sparring partner which means He is training and equipping us to win the fight. I thought about what Jakes was saying and a light bulb popped on in my head. Instead of wishing that I won't have to fight life all the time, I'll go into it ready for the fight.
I'm not looking for a break anymore. I'm prepared to work hard for whatever I want. I was talking to my friend Fish Plate (funny story how he got this nickname) about the recent events and the message I received from Bishop Jakes, and he said something that was real. He said, "Everybody wants to be Oprah and have Oprah's money, but no one wants to experience and live through the struggles Oprah dealt with before she became Oprah." This is so true because we often look up to millionaires and stars and wish we had their lives, but we never know what their fight was to get where they are. And you better believe that each person we look up to has had or is having some type of fight - that's just life.
“Don’t want to do the dishes, just want to eat the food. ”
There is always going to be challenges in life. Traffic will be heavy, our bank account will be missing some zeros, people will be mean and bias, unqualified people will become presidents of countries, the hot water heater will stop working, it will cost a lot to start a business or go back to school, our gas tanks will be low, girlfriends and boyfriends will leave, husbands and wives will disappoint, the brakes will go out, the car will stop running, the computer will freeze up (this is a sure way to make me run up and down the street screaming), the boss will ignore our accomplishments, blah, blah, blah, blah. Shit happens. Many people will experience all these things and feel like God has not favored them. This is the furthest thing from the truth. God is actually training us for bigger fights to come because it doesn't get easier my loves, it gets harder. The more successful we become the more responsibility we will have - and that's when we'll really have to scuffle.
“Mo money, Mo problems. ”
I stopped complaining about every little thing that was holding me back and started mentally preparing for the hurdles. In the past, I knew they were coming but was hoping that God would spare me. Now I know they are coming, and I use the strength that God has equipped me with to knock them all down. Do I get tired of fighting? Yup. Do I feel like I have lost at times? Of course. But I will not be defeated because I've got things I want to accomplish. I will not let life get in the way and have me waking up one morning with regrets.
Life won't let up - so we can't either. The more we fight, the stronger we will be.
So here's to life - Moma said knock you out.
- Samjah Iman
P.S. - I've been jamming to a Tribe Called Quest's latest album. It feels good to have some music with depth to listen to. So far I'm digging We The People, Kids, and Melatonin. I will continue listening to discover more songs.